Hi! 👋 My name is Tony.

I’m the founder, developer, designer, customer support, and late night candle burner at Chartgenie. I’m a solopreneur who has a regular 9 – 5 job and works on Chartgenie every morning, every evening, and every weekend.

I’m based in Wicklow Ireland, with my wife, almost 2 year-old daughter, and our mini-schnauzer, Pepe.

I created Chartgenie with one simple goal, to create and share beautiful charts 📊. I wanted to have the ability to take a piece of information from a book, an article, a piece of research, or from a work project, and turn it into a beautiful chart that tells a story. No spreadsheet pivoting, no coding, just some text fields and options to customize.

I hope you find Chartgenie useful and if you have any questions about Chartgenie, creating charts or anything else you can reach me at the Chartgenie Community.

Happy Charting!
